Oklahoma is struggling. 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys right here in our state will be victims of sexual abuse before their 18th birthday. Suicide is also plaguing Oklahoma, with one person dying by suicide every 11 hours. Sadly, it is the second leading cause of death for ages 10-34. (Source)
But you can be part of the solution! Don’t wait until it affects you… make an impact NOW. Join us!
Sara’s Project is a collaborative effort for our community, and it takes many caring, dedicated volunteers to make much of the work possible. You can give of your time, or you can give funds, and either way you will give hope to many kids in need of our service. We are grateful for you!
Make a Difference
Whether it's through monetary donations, donating used items or giving the gift of your time, we appreciate all our community does.